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Then you perform more English - Vietnamese dictionaries as follows:Step 1: Open the Lingoes software, in the Guide section, select Dictionaries. The LinGo app coupled with.The article shows you how to install more English-Vietnamese dictionaries in Lingoes and how to use the software.First you need to download Lingoes and install it on the system. There are more than 50 alternatives to Lingoes for a variety of platforms, including Online / Web-based, Windows, Android, iPhone and Mac.Download the LinGo language learning app now and see how you can learn a foreign language in a matter of 10-15 minutes per day.

Just install the software on your computer, you can feel free to look up the dictionary on your computer even without the internet. Step 8: Select the English-Vietnamese dictionary you've just added and select the Move to Up icon to set the highest priority for this dictionary.Step 9: Switch to the Index Group tab and the Text Capture Group tab and do the same as Step 8 so that this dictionary is the default dictionary for Lingoes.The keywords you need to enter as shown below, the results will be returned below.On the left are words that are similar to the characters you enter, you want to look for words you can click on, and the results will be returned to you.Translate the text you click Text Translation. After successfully adding, in the Dictionary Options appear Free English-Vietnamese Dictionary. Step 4: Click on the download link to download the computer.Step 5: Click Save File and click OK to save to computer.Step 6: After you finish downloading the Free English-Vietnamese Dictionary file, open it.Step 7: Check the boxes before Add To "Index Group" and Add to "Text Capture Group" and click OK. Step 3: Browse to lingoes.net, scroll to the Vietnamese Dictionaries section and select Free English-Vietnamese Dictionary.

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